Fast Loan, Best Loan
The people in US Mortgage Capital are truely honest, clear, and efficient in what they do. I was looking for a no-cost loan with no Mortgage Insurance Premium to refinance my loan and came across this company. During the past few weeks that my loan application was being processed I was really impressed with the level of proficiency and the time that they provided to me. If you decide to work with US Mortgage Capital never be shy of asking any questions that you might have. I exchanged more than 200 emails with Robert and his staff, mostly asking questions about the details of the refinance process and documents. I was surprised to see that Robert was always quick in responding to me no matter what time of the day it was (in one occasion I excahnged several emails with him after 10 PM and got immediate responses). They are also very honest about the whole process. You will get what you are promised and nothing less.