Patricia P.'s review of Skype


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/14/2009
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Review 3/14/2009
This program is the worst chat/internet call program on the market today. I'm not sure what they think is so special about their services, as Yahoo has been offering these services for years - the only difference is that yahoo at least works most of the time! I use this service with my ebay store - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have my program set up NOT turn numbers on web pages into skype links, however, it still turns EVERY number it detects on a webpage into a phone link -whether it is actually a phone number at all. When I track items through UPS, USPS or fedex, I can't do it online, because skype turns them into skype phone links. I uninstalled this program and didn't use it for over a year. I have been encouraged by ebay (of course, as it is an ebay company) to use skype with my ebay listings, so decided to give it another try, hoping in a year's time, they may have worked out the kinks. I guess I hope for too much!

Soooooooo, try submitting a support ticket. Half the time, they have the contact page shut down and won't even accept tickets, but when you finally get a ticket supported, you will NOT receive a reply from a live representative. You will receive an automated email stating they got your ticket, then a rep will reply and tell you they have too many tickets to be able to help you, and give you the same help links you already searched through before submitting your ticket. If I could have found the help I needed on their support pages, I wouldn't have wasted my time submitting a ticket in the first page.

I never thought there would be a company worse than the ebay auction site itself, but ebay has really outdone themselves by buying this bomb of a service.

If you like to chat, use yahoo, MSN, AOL - anything, but skype, and if you need to make a phone call, I recommend a real phone before even venturing to use this POS service!
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